Commercial leases can be long and complicated, and before you enter into such an agreement, you need the advice of an expert solicitor. At andersonbain, we regularly advise clients on all elements of commercial leases. We take the time to understand your business aims so that we can ensure the terms of the lease work for you. To start working with our commercial property team today, you can call us on 01224 456 789 or complete our online enquiry form, and we will get back to you without delay.

Heads of Terms – are they important?

From the outset, heads of terms show the intent of both parties without legally enforcing them to complete the commercial lease. It’s important to note that both landlord and tenant have the option to change their mind after the heads of terms have been agreed. But having heads of terms prepared from the beginning can help reflect the needs of both parties and speed up the process of preparing the lease.

Heads of terms will typically include terms such as break clauses, security of tenure, and rent deposit. If you are interested in preparing heads of terms with your prospective landlord or tenant, speak with a member of our team today to identify any potential legal issues from the start.

What should a Commercial Lease include?

If you are a business looking to take on new premises, our qualified solicitors can provide expert advice to make sure that you know precisely what’s involved before you sign a new lease. The terms of commercial leases can commit your business for lengthy periods of time, or to obligations you did not understand. Terms in a lease will include who is responsible for maintaining and repairing the premises, and whether the lease can be assigned or subleased to another tenant.

Our lawyers will explain each clause and your obligations in everyday language, so you can understand whether the lease works for you. If you are a tenant who wants the option to renew your lease, or a landlord who wishes to include a penalty for early termination or licence for alterations, it is crucial that you speak with a specialist lawyer who will guide you through your lease terms, providing practical information at every stage.

Our Commercial Leases Services

We act for both local landlords and tenants and specialise in helping small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMEs). The commercial property team at andersonbain have years of experience in helping clients with commercial leases, and our expertise and attention to detail can help you avoid any expensive pitfalls. Our lawyers can assist you in negotiating the best possible terms for your lease so that you can move forward in your business with confidence. We can help with:

  • Agreements for lease
  • Rent review
  • Tenant protections
  • LBTT
  • Fixture issues
  • Disputes
  • Funding
  • Licences to occupy/ for works
  • New build arrangements
  • Construction documents
  • Warranties and guarantees
  • Multiple legal titles
  • Unregistered titles
  • Title defects
  • Licences and consents to underlet
  • Other forms of consent and third-party permissions

The list above is extensive, but if you do not see your specific legal problem listed, please contact us for further advice and information - we would be happy to help you.

Contact Our Commercial Lease Lawyers in Aberdeen, Scotland

If you are looking for advice and assistance with commercial leases, andersonbain can help. Our clients value the exceptional level of service and personal attention that our firm offers. Commercial property is a highly technical area of law that requires attention to detail and practical application.

Our solicitors can provide advice tailored to your specific circumstances and desired outcome. To discuss your commercial property needs with one of our lawyers, call us today on 01224 456 789 or complete our online enquiry form and we will get back to you.


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