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Plan Ahead with a Power of Attorney – Spring Clean your Affairs with a Power of Attorney

As part of our “Spring Clean your Affairs” promotion, we are offering individual Powers of Attorney for £240 + VAT. Couples can put in place Powers of Attorney for £350 + VAT. Arrange an appointment with a Power of Attorney Lawyer in Aberdeen or Edinburgh.

While it is never pleasant to think about the prospect of being incapacitated due to illness or an accident, at Anderson Bain, we believe that it is more important to be prepared. As a power of attorney can make life-changing decisions on your behalf, as well as giving legal authority to someone acting on your behalf, it is crucial that when appointing a power of attorney, you seek legal advice.

Putting in Place a Power of Attorney

Similarly to creating a Will, many people opt to delay drafting a power of attorney document believing that they can hold off on creating such a document until it is needed, often fearing the cost. However, the truth is that no one knows when a power of attorney may be needed and with our spring discount, there has never been a better time to get your affairs in order.

Without a power of attorney, no one can sign legal documents or cheques for you meaning that bills can be left unpaid, loved ones may go without the benefit of your financial support, and your assets could be frozen. Therefore, appointing a power of attorney is vital as grants a trusted person legal permission to take care of your financial business.

Prepare for the Future: Types of Power of Attorney

There are two types of power of attorney, an ordinary power of attorney can be applied when you are still able to have control of your affairs but for practical reasons, you require assistance from another trusted person. This can be beneficial if you are going away on a long trip or are a member of the armed forces.

While an ordinary power of attorney can become invalid, a lasting (or continuing) power of attorney grants someone the opportunity to make legal decisions based on your behalf. These decisions can relate to your health, welfare, and finances and can come into effect if someone is suffering in a mental capacity.

While the vast majority of people lose the ability to manage their affairs gradually, sadly, sudden illnesses or injuries can happen to anyone thus; it is best to be prepared and appoint a power of attorney when in good health.

The Ideal Time to Appoint a Power of Attorney: Contact Us

Many people naturally do not want to plan for ill-health or later life and delay appointing a power of attorney or creating a will. However, such documents are vital and can offer legal protection in the future.

Despite the importance of a power of attorney, the position is void upon death, meaning that you will need still need to create a Will and appoint an executor. At Anderson Bain, there has never been a better time to draft a Will and appoint a power of attorney thanks to our Spring promotion. Our team of expert solicitors are offering their services at a discounted rate to encourage clients to get their affairs in order and have access to the best legal advice.

To begin legal proceedings to appoint a power of attorney and to take advantage of our fantastic discount, contact us today using our online contact form, or call us on 01224 456 789.

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