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Should You Have a Power of Attorney?

What if, one day, you became unable to look after your own affairs? Would someone be able to do this on your behalf under a Power of Attorney?

The creation of a Continuing and Welfare Power of Attorney allows an appointed person to manage your financial affairs and your welfare should you no longer be able to do so. We have noticed a substantial increase in clients wishing to create an Attorney should this scenario arise, with more and more people becoming aware of the problems faced should an Attorney not be appointed.

A Continuing and Welfare Power of Attorney is something that every adult should have. There is a perception that these are only for elderly people, as they are more susceptible to a loss of capacity due to Alzheimers and dementia. However, an accident can lead to a loss of capacity for any person, and without the Power of Attorney being appointed, the dealing with that person’s affairs becomes almost impossible.

The document will only come into force once the granter of the Attorney is fully incapacitated. However, the document itself must be created when the granter has full capacity and is aware of what they are creating and signing. Once the necessary forms have been completed and signed, the Power of Attorney is registered with the Office of the Public Guardian for preservation.

Power of Attorney Aberdeen & Edinburgh

As more people become aware of the existence of Continuing and Welfare Powers of Attorney, isn’t it about time you considered putting one in place to protect you and your loved ones? If you would wish to discuss the creation of a Continuing and Welfare Power of Attorney further, please do not hesitate to contact our Scott Allan on 01224 626244 or .

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