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Proximity to a Supermarket Adds Value to Property

Living near a local supermarket can push up your property’s value by £21,500 compared to homes in nearby areas without a supermarket chain. 

This is the conclusion of new research from Lloyds Bank, which also found that having a premium brand on your doorstep means buyers typically need to pay top prices. Homes in areas with a Waitrose, Marks & Spencer or Sainsbury’s are most likely to command a higher house price premium when compared to the wider town average.

The "Waitrose effect" commands the biggest cash premium - costing £43,571 (12%) more than average house prices in the wider town (£420,112 v. £376,540), followed by properties close to a Marks & Spencer with a premium of £40,135 and Sainsbury’s (£32,707). Homes within easy reach of all three supermarket chains are trading at an average premium of 12%.

In the past year the premium attached to living within walking distance to a Marks & Spencer has grown by £10,143 (from £29,992 to £40,135) the largest rise amongst the supermarkets chains. By comparison, the price premium near a Waitrose has grown by a relatively modest £7,000 in the past year.

Homes close to a Tesco, the UK’s largest supermarket, are also worth over £21,000 (£21,369) more than other properties in the nearby area (£278,647 v. £257,278); closely followed by Co-Op (£21,020) and Iceland (£17,445) stores.

But it’s homes near to budget supermarkets which were found to have seen the biggest house price rise: properties near to Lidl, Aldi, Morrisons and Asda have increased 15% (£29,316) over the past four years. This is a faster increase than for all supermarkets (10%) and shows that houses near discount stores can also be popular and the cheaper supermarkets are catching up fast.

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