Anderson Bain News & Updates

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Anderson Bain

Scotland’s Mortgage Freedom Date

Bank of Scotland has calculated that by 14th March, new borrowers had earned enough to cover the annual cost of their mortgage repayments.

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Anderson Bain

Proximity to a Farmers Market Can Boost House Prices

New research by Zoopla has found that properties located close to a popular farmers market could be worth up to 26% more than the average home in the same county. 

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Anderson Bain

Rise in New Build Home Completions

The latest Quarterly Housing Statistics from Scotland’s Chief Statistician have revealed that 16,309 new build homes were completed in the 12 months to September 2016. This is an increase of 1% on the 16,152 homes completed in the previous year.

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Anderson Bain

Scottish Cities Become Less Affordable

Property in Scotland’s cities is becoming increasingly less affordable, according to the latest Bank of Scotland Affordable Cities review.

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Anderson Bain

Andersonbain working in partnership with The Link App

the link app

Andersonbain is delighted to be in partnership with The Link App, which is a new, modern and revolutionary way for legal firms to communicate with their clients.

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