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Confidence Grows Among UK’s Second Steppers

A new survey by Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banks has found confidence is on an upward trend among the UK’s ‘second steppers’.

The survey revealed that almost 40% of the country’s first-time homeowners are planning to take their second step on the property ladder, which is an increase of 14% compared to the same period last year.

A third of those planning to move say they are doing so out of necessity as they have outgrown their current home and want to find something bigger, while 24% say their intended move is to allow them to move up the property ladder.

The research also found that the aspirations of ‘second steppers’ varied depending on their geographical location in the UK. Those in the North East and North West are apparently the most focused on moving, with 48% hoping to buy a new home, compared to just 29% of those in the South West. In Scotland, 38% of first-time homeowners said they were planning to move.

The survey also looked at the reasons why some respondents said they were unsure about moving.

Affordability was given as the main concern for one in three (30%), followed closely by worries about finding their dream home, which was mentioned by 29%. A further 18% said they were hesitant about taking on a larger mortgage.

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