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Brits look at nearly 5 properties before finding 'the one'

The average Brit looks at 4.7 properties before choosing the one they move into, according to recent research by Privilege Home Insurance. Despite viewing an average of nearly five homes, almost 40 per cent of homemovers decide to buy the first one they saw, with the average person making an offer on just two properties.

The survey of more than 2,000 adults discovered almost two thirds (62 per cent) of homeowners find the process of moving home stressful, with one in five calling it a ‘traumatic’ experience. Seventy-five per cent of respondents believe moving is more anxiety-inducing than hosting Christmas, while almost half (49 per cent) said it was more distressing than organising a wedding.

Despite this, the latest study from revealed more than half (52 per cent) of the nation are unhappy with their current home and plan to move again in the hopes of finding their ‘forever home’. Lloyds Bank data also confirmed Brits interest in moving with 160,540 homemovers in the first half of 2019; up 810 on the same period the previous year. If you are looking to move home and want to avoid a stressful conveyancing process, speak with a member of andersonbain’s qualified property team today.

Kitchen and living room voted most important rooms in a house viewing

The Privilege study revealed 43 per cent of women rank the kitchen as the main room in the house that would interest them as buyers, while men chose the living room at 41 per cent. Interestingly, the master bedroom was only a priority for nine per cent of Brits but almost twice as important to millennials at 17 per cent.

The survey also questioned the kinds of people that buyers turn to for advice when choosing to buy a property. Nearly a quarter of all Brits (24 per cent) would ask their parents for help when selecting a home, with friends taking second place at 23 per cent. Children were also part of the decision-making process at 16 per cent as well as partners that buyers don’t live with at 13 per cent.

57% of Brits identified property size as key factor in finding ‘forever home’

While property location has long been assumed to be the most important aspect of buying or selling a home, research found the size of a property was, in fact, the most crucial factor for Brits. Fifty-seven per cent of respondents voted property size as their biggest concern in finding their ‘forever home’, while 53 per cent said the number of bedrooms. Location of the property came third in the survey, with 52 per cent of Brits describing it as the most important factor. Purchase price and public transport links were also mentioned at 50 and 31 per cent respectively.

Glasgow residents most likely to have found their ‘forever home’

Data released by The Nottingham revealed what age the nation anticipates they will move into their ‘forever home’. The majority of the 2,000 adults surveyed expect to purchase their ‘forever home’ at 41 years old, despite the average age of those who have already found theirs being 36.

Across the UK, Glasgow and Liverpool residents were the most likely to already be living in their ‘forever home’ at 58 per cent. This was followed by Sheffield, Cardiff and Manchester at 56 per cent, 55 per cent and 49 per cent respectively.

Contact our Property Lawyers Aberdeen, Edinburgh & Glasgow, Scotland

If you are considering buying or selling your home in Aberdeen or the surrounding areas, do not hesitate to get in touch with one of our expert conveyancing lawyers by completing the online enquiry form today.

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